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How to Exclude Recipients of a Previously Sent Broadcast from a New Broadcast

Learn how to exclude recipients of a previously sent broadcast from a new broadcast.

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Sending broadcasts to recipients is an effective way to share your product information. However, what if you need to send a new broadcast while excluding those who have already received your previous message from a specific broadcast? Our platform simplifies this process through the use of segments. In this guide, we'll take you through the easy steps to create a segment and exclude recipients from your previous broadcast.

Before you start, recall the name of the broadcast you previously sent. This will be crucial for creating a segment. In our case, we noted Shiprocker_dec_29.

Step 1: Create a Segment

1. Go to the Apps.

2. Under Marketing categories, select Segments and click on New Segment.

3. Assign a name to your segment for easy identification on the broadcast screen. In our case, we add the name as Campaign29dec.

4. Click on Add Criteria and choose Broadcast Properties.

5. From the dropdown menu, select the broadcast name you remembered earlier.

6. Click on the + option and choose the criteria as “Broadcast Received” “is” “True”.

Pro Tips: You can also create segments based on other criteria such as Seen or Responded according to your requirements.

7. Click on save Segment and you will be able to see the total number of recipients under lists.

Step 2: Exclude Recipients in your New Broadcast

1. Go back to the Broadcast section and create a new broadcast.

2. Choose the Template and click on Add Recipients.

3. In the Do not send to field, add the segment recipients you created by clicking on the + icon, click on Segments, search the segment recipients name, and then click on it.

4. In the Send to field, add the recipients for your new broadcast and then hit the send now or schedule it.

That's it! Following these steps ensures your new broadcast targets only those who haven't received your previous message.

Keywords: Exclude Recipients, Broadcast, Segments, Sent broadcast

How to Exclude Recipients of a Previously Sent Broadcast from a New Broadcast

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