How to Create a Template with a Button - Phone Number
Learn how to add a phone number in the CTA button.
If you want to send a template message with a phone number to customers, you can do it by using a template with a CTA button.
To do this:
1. Go to Apps.
2. Click on Templates.
3. Click on New Template.
4. Fill in all the required details here.
5. Scroll down and select the CTA Buttons.
6. Click on the dropdown to select Phone Number.
7. You can add country code with the required phone number here.
8. You can give a button name here, then select Next step. (In our case we will give the button name as “Contact us”)
9. Next, fill out the variables with all the details required.
10. Lastly, click on Send for review to submit the template for review.
Note: Whatsapp usually takes upto 24-48 hours to review and approve the template. Keep an eye on template reviews on the dashboard. Refer to our article how long it will take to approve the template.
Keywords: CTA button, Phone number, Create template, Button template.