What is Channel ID Inside the Message Node
Understand how you can choose the Channel ID inside the message node on the FlowHippo.
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The Channel ID is a unique identifier that tells the flow where the message came from. It takes the value of the Channel that triggered this event. The Channel ID is the WhatsApp number of the customer to whom the message will be triggered. You can pick the channel ID from one of the previous nodes in the flow.
In this case, we are using the phone as the channel ID. However, if you are using an incoming message on Zoko as the trigger and want to reply to the same number, then you need to use Platform Sender ID as the channel ID. Platform Sender ID is nothing but the WhatsApp number of the customer from whom you have received the message.
- Click on Channel ID to reveal the options.
- Choose the criteria and select the ID. In our case, we select the criteria as trigger >> platformSenderId as channel ID.
Keywords: Channel ID, Message node, Channel criteria, FlowHippo.