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How to Figure out the Estimated Cost for a Broadcast?

Learn how to figure out the estimated cost of your broadcast based on the destination countries you are targeting.

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Sending a broadcast to your customers is a powerful marketing strategy for promoting your products. However, it's essential to understand the potential cost beforehand to prevent any surprises. Here's a straightforward guide to help you calculate the estimated cost for the broadcast:

1. Go to the broadcast screen and set up your content as usual. Be sure to select your recipients carefully to target the right audience for your message.

2. Before sending the broadcast, whether immediately or on a scheduled basis, click on either the "Send Now" or "Schedule" button. A popup window will appear, displaying details such as the estimated maximum cost, your wallet balance, and the destination countries you are targeting. 

3. After reviewing the estimated cost, proceed by clicking the "Send Now" or "Schedule" button within the popup window. These buttons will only be enabled if your wallet balance covers the estimated maximum cost. If your wallet balance is insufficient, you will be prompted to add credits.

Pro Tips: To add credits to your account, simply click the "Add credits" button within the popup window. This action will direct you to the billing page where you can add the necessary credits securely.

Keywords: Estimated cost, Broadcast messages, Broadcast, Wallet balance, Send broadcast.

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