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Adding Magic Razorpay URL for Abandoned Cart Checkouts

Learn how to add a Magic Razorpay URL to the Abandoned Cart flow. This is applicable to those businesses who use Magic Razorpay for their checkout.

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Add the Magic Razorpay URL to the Abandoned Cart Flow so that when the customer clicks on the payment link, they are redirected to the magic Razorpay checkout page.

To do this:

1. Go to your Shopify account >> Click on Orders on the left >> Select Abandoned Checkouts>> Select an order.

2. Make sure that Abandoned Cart Email Reminders are being sent to the customers.

Check whether the link that is sent through the Email reminders is a Magic Razorpay URL, instead of the standard Shopify checkout URL. If not, do contact the Razorpay team and have the Razorpay magic checkout integration done correctly first.

3. After the email reminder link is integrated with Magic Razorpay, do test abandoned carts from your store and send screenshots of the Magic razorpay link to us on WhatsApp.

4. After this is done and verified by the Zoko team, go to the Zoko Abandoned Cart flow. You should define the payment variable in the Abandoned Cart template as {{context.cart.attributes.magic_checkout_url}}.

5. After this is done, you can go to Abandoned Checkouts and select the order in Shopify store and check whether a magic razorpay link has been generated under Additional Details.

After the Abandoned Cart Flow is enabled, do a test Abandoned checkout in the store and see if the link takes you to the Razorpay payment page.

Keywords: Abandoned cart, Magic Razorpay URL, Shopify URL, Abandoned Flow, Checkout URL.

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