Agents & Teams
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How to Create Teams

Learn how to create teams with the right agents.

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Teams help you to assign chats that can be handled by any agent in a specific team. For example, if you have a dedicated team that handles returns, you can create a team named Returns and add all team members for the Returns department to this team. All members of the team can view and respond to all chats assigned to the team.

To create a team:

1. Go to settings on the top bar.

settings tab

2. Click on Teams on the left panel.


3. Click on Add new team.

Add new team

4. Add the team’s name and a description to help everyone understand the role and purpose of the team. Keep the availability as Available.

name and a description

5. Click on Add Members to select the agents you wish to add to this team.

Add Members

6. Now click on Create team and your team is created.

 Create team

7. You can see all the Team lists here.

Team lists

Keywords: Create teams member, Assign chat to teams.

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