We all use WhatsApp to communicate with our family, friends and colleagues. But have you ever thought that whatsapp auto reply could also be used as a customer support channel? Well, it can! And one of the best ways to ensure that your customers get their queries answered quickly is by using whatsapp auto reply.
Quick Replies are automated responses that you can send to your customers over WhatsApp. They’re a great way to save time and effort in handling customer queries. With Quick Replies, you won’t have to spend hours on the phone or typing lengthy replies for each and every query that comes in.
Instead, you can set up a set of Quick Replies that answer all the most common queries people might have about your business.
whatsapp auto reply has enabled you to set up Quick Replies for your business. This will save you time and effort when responding to customer queries. It also helps customers get their questions answered faster, improving your customer service levels.
Sending whatsapp auto reply :
Quick Replies are the best way to reply to your customers on WhatsApp, especially when you receive many customer queries. Quick Replies save time and effort in handling customer queries on WhatsApp. You can use the app’s Quick Reply feature to send a response to your customer without typing it. The whatsapp auto reply also lets you send quick replies to multiple customers at once so that you can respond more efficiently when there is a bulk request from your audience. In addition, Quick Replies also allow you to send quick replies using templates which saves more time in typing responses manually every time someone sends a message through WhatsApp.
Quick Replies are a convenient way to answer customer queries. You can use them to save time and effort in handling your customers’ queries over WhatsApp. Quick Replies can also be used by businesses and customers to save time.
Here’s how it works:
A customer sends a message to your business on WhatsApp with the query, “Where is my order?” This query is then automatically converted into an automated response by the zoko, which comes back with “Your order has been shipped and should arrive within the next 48 hours, thank you!” You can add context or any additional information here as well — this is where you'll want to use some creativity! If it's necessary or useful for certain situations, we recommend adding a link (e.g., shipping confirmation page) that directs users directly back into their conversation history, so they don't have to navigate out of it again just yet if needed."
This article was written to help you understand the concept of Quick Replies and how it can be used as a tool to save time and effort in handling customer queries over WhatsApp. We have also provided information on how to create, send and use the Quick Replies feature on Zoko.