Firstly, let's talk about why you would need to use WhatsApp Business on multiple devices. Or even why you should use WhatsApp Business at all.
Why use WhatsApp Business on multiple phones?
If you want to be able to easily access your WhatsApp Business account from multiple devices, it's best to set up two separate accounts. You can do this by creating a new profile and logging in with the same phone number. This way, all of your messages will be synced between the two accounts so that you don't miss anything important.
To create more than one profile:
The first option is to use WhatsApp Business on your computer, and then use it on your mobile phone. This is the only way you can get WhatsApp Business running on two devices at once, but it's not the best solution for many users.
The second option is to install the app on all of your devices and then log in with one account. This will allow you to receive messages from any device, but there's no way for other people to send you messages from another device—you'll have to be around each time someone wants to communicate with you.
The third option is similar: install an app called Parallel Space (for Android) or App Cloner (for iOS). Both apps let you run multiple instances of an app simultaneously so they can all be logged into different accounts at the same time.
You can also use the WhatsApp Business API to build programs that can interact with each other. This is a great option if your business needs to integrate with third-party apps, such as Salesforce, or if you want to create a chatbot for customer support purposes.
The WhatsApp Business API lets developers build their own bots for businesses, allowing them to easily add them into their app without having any technical knowledge of coding or programming languages.
WhatsApp Business has many benefits, but you may find it difficult to use if you only have one phone. You can use WhatsApp on your computer or tablet, but this means that your business will always be tied down by an internet connection. The second option is to get another mobile device and install WhatsApp on it. This way, when people call you they will still reach you through the app while also being able to text them back using WhatsApp Business!