Getting if facebook business verification not working, then you can do a quick check on how your Facebook page can be verified easily, but if you have trouble with it, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try.
Next, you'll need to find your business name in the Facebook search bar. If you have multiple locations, this step should be easier than if you don't know your company's name.
To do this, simply type your business name into the Facebook search bar and click on the page that comes up. If there are multiple pages for your business and one of them has a "page" at the end of it (like "Page"), then that will be YOUR page—the one that needs verification.
If your Facebook business page is not verified, you can try to get it verified. To request verification, follow these steps:
If you're unable to get your Facebook business verified, try the following steps:
Next, you can accept the SMS request to verify your Facebook page. This will send a confirmation code to your phone and display it as a notification on your Facebook page. The verification process is complete when you receive a confirmation email, and the checkmark appears next to your business name.
There is a chance if facebook business verification not working, are
If you have multiple locations for your business, you can request a bulk upload for your Facebook accounts by selecting the option to call Facebook at the end of the verification process. You must provide your business name, phone number and email address. The bulk upload process can take up to 7 days.
The next step is to apply to Facebook's official website. Choose "Start a new Page" from the drop-down menu under Create a Page heading on this page. If this option doesn't appear in your drop-down menu, click here before continuing with the steps below:
The first thing to do is submit a support ticket. There are two ways you can do this:
Once you click one of these options, fill out all relevant information about your company and what type of verification you are requesting. If it's possible for them to verify without connecting with someone over email or phone, they will request that information from you as well. Here's what they need:
If facebook business verification not working, you have trouble getting your Facebook page verified, there are things you can do to troubleshoot it.