WhatsApp has over a billion monthly active users, a user base that is larger than any other messaging platform. WhatsApp already has more users than Facebook Messenger, Viber, WeChat, and Snapchat combined. This means that WhatsApp is not only the cheapest but also the most effective way of reaching your customers through digital marketing.
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world, with over 1.5 billion monthly active users (MAUs). In comparison, Facebook Messenger has over one billion MAUs, and Instagram has 800M MAUs. By comparison, Snapchat only has 188M MAUs, and WeChat only has 899M MAUs.
The fact that benefits of whatsapp already have a bigger reach than email, SMS and almost all other messaging platforms means it’s a very attractive channel for businesses looking to connect with their customers directly.
There are several reasons why WhatsApp has higher open rates than email and SMS.
WhatsApp is cheaper than both of the above-mentioned channels. It’s also much more personal and direct, which plays well into the hands of D2C brands as they try to build a trusted relationship with their target audience.
When it comes to email marketing, there are numerous options available – from designing great emails to sending mass emails at scale. However, when you want to reach out to your customers personally and make them feel special, there is no better option than WhatsApp.
Viber: 50% (Viber User Survey)
Moreover, people are increasingly using their phones to send messages. In fact, a recent study found that over 90% of American teens use SMS or MMS.
And it’s not just teens who are using SMS and MMS. According to a different study, nearly 90% of American adults send text messages on a daily basis.
Email and SMS open rates are around 20%-90%. benefits of whatsapp, on the other hand, has a whopping 80% open rate. That's right—more than eight out of ten people who receive your WhatsApp message will actually read it within three minutes! And if they don't take you up on your offer or otherwise respond within 24 hours? No worries: the conversation doesn't stop there. You can send them another message in their inbox at any time by using our automated follow-up feature.
There are many reasons why benefits of whatsapp are such a popular messaging app. First and foremost, it's free—and unlike many other messaging apps, there are no annoying ads to deal with. It's also extremely secure: all messages sent via WhatsApp are encrypted end-to-end so that only the sender and receiver can view them.
There are many benefits of using WhatsApp over email or SMS for your D2C brand. First, messages sent via WhatsApp are ephemeral, meaning that they’re not stored on the recipient's phone — so there's no need to worry about spamming people. As well as this, the messages are only available for a short period of time; once seen, they disappear from everyone’s phones (including yours). This makes it easier to ensure that you're not sending out irrelevant information or annoying people with updates they don't want to see.
Additionally, when someone receives your message on WhatsApp, their first reaction will be, “Oh, cool! I got a message from [your business name].” They might even open it immediately! What isn't so great, though, is if they don't open it within 10 minutes (or whatever amount of time suits you). This can cause anxiety: did they get my message? Should I send another one? What if...? The answer is no, they didn't get it. WhatsApp is a secure messaging platform that protects your privacy and ensures that your messages are only seen by the recipients you choose. If someone doesn't open their message within 10 minutes (or whatever amount of time suits you), then they probably won't see it at all — even if they turn on notifications for your business account.
WhatsApp is a messaging app that allows you to send messages to individual contacts or groups of people. Messages sent through WhatsApp are ephemeral, and users can see when their contacts have read the message or not. This makes it ideal for personalised marketing campaigns because it means you know exactly who has seen your message and how many times they've seen it.
You can also send a broadcast to a group of contacts, meaning all group members will receive all messages simultaneously in order from oldest to newest (rather than just reading one at a time). The benefits of this functionality are obvious: You don't have to worry about sending emails or texts which aren't relevant to everyone in your campaign at once!
D2C brands are realising the benefits of whatsapp over Email and SMS. In this post, we look at why D2C brands want to use WhatsApp and what they can do with it.
Why D2C Brands Use WhatsApp
D2C brands use the benefits of whatsapp because it has a bigger reach than email, SMS and almost all other messaging platforms. The average open rate for an email is only 24%, whereas for Facebook Messenger, it’s 59%, and for Twitter direct messages (DM), it’s 33%. WhatsApp already has more users than any other social media platform globally, so if you want your customers to be able to find you on social media, then this is where they will turn first!
We’ve seen first-hand the benefits of whatsapp for D2C brands. We’re excited to see what other brands will do with this technology in the future!